...swig more codeine-laced cough syrup and down my last Azithromycin tablet.
Yep. I am still really sick.
I mean what the **^, is going on???
I swear, the only thing keeping me from crossing over (if-you-know-what-I-mean) is Alexander Fleming's little accidental invention - PENICILLIN.
Thank-you Mr. F. Or rather, Sir Fleming. (I dare say he deserves that knighthood more than Elton John - no offense to the king).
Yessirree. I attribute my being alive to two things - Alex Fleming and indoor heat.
No wonder most of those early Canadian settlers died over winter, (poor bastards).
It's not that I haven't improved mind you...
I feel pretty good in the morning, (gone are the days of dry-coughing 'til tears run down my cheeks and I have to cross my legs so I don't pee myself from the force),
but then I step outside...
... and that cold air hits my lungs like a jackhammer.
Within fifteen minutes, my body is in shock and my breathing shallows in an effort to avoid the deeper ones that bring with them spasms of pain and more leg crossing.
And old man winter is there to remind me who's boss. All ye, bow to mother nature.
But I'm gonna do something our forefathers could never do in this great country of ours way back in the 1800's when they got sick.
I'm gonna bugger off to California at the end of the month for a week. What better way to end the Six Month Experiment?
Who's laughing now, eh? Old Man WINTER?
So really, I have no cause to complain.
All I have to do between now and then is get better.
Next - The importance of taking trips...
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