So according to Jack, there are 7 areas one should work on. And if you are serious about experiencing a complete life change, then all 7 must be addressed some time during the course of your first year. (and preferably on a regular basis and done simultaneously to assure progress of the whole person).
Under my physical health and fitness list, I placed meditation and ‘attempting to access the powers that be’ as one of my goals. I realize the second of these is a lofty proposition but lowlier beings than I have attained such heights of spiritual magnificence so I figured my odds were pretty good.
And it just so happens there is a real deal Ayuhuasca ceremony taking place in my neck of the woods and providing there is space, I too can experience its benefits.
A-ya-huas-ca is a woody South American vine, Banisteriopsis caapi, of the malpighia family, having bark that is the source of harmine, a hallucinogenic alkaloid used by Amazon Indians.
Do not try this at home. Taking Ayhuasca should only be done in the presence of, and guided by, a qualified individual. In other words, a shaman. There are tons of trips to South America specifically geared towards an authentic experience and people travel from all over the world to experience its medicinal benefits. But beware. Some shamans are charlatans. www.biopark.org/peru/shamanrisks.html
With some of these guys, your spiritual experience will amount to nothing more than swallowing a disgusting green mixture guaranteed to make you vomit. All you will experience is regret and an ungrantable wish that you were back home in bed instead of spending those next five hours “working through your shadows” by divesting your stomach of every last remnant of food and fluid.
That’s what I said. Five hours. It can be dangerous.
According to true accounts however, an authentic experience can be other-worldly. But just as scary. For an amazing trip through the ayhuasca experience, just read Kira Salak’s account in National Geographic called Peru: Hell and Back. www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/0603/features/peru.html
Now there is no guarantee that this plant concoction from South America won’t ignite visions of fiery dragons, slippery snakes and a kaleidoscope of colors complete with visits from Satan himself having tea with the Mad Hatter, yet it is tempting in an Eve-take-a-bite-of-this-apple kind of way. Within this 5 hour ceremony, lies in the possibility of peeking through a stain-glass window to the ‘other’ side.
I’m not scared of what I might see. “Bring it on!” I say, in my bravest, most devil-may-care voice. But the problem is I’ve never been a drug user. When I tried pot (on more than one occasion thinking I kept missing the point), I found it relatively ineffective and dull. I remember once I had the uncontrollable giggles, then I had the munchies, and then it put me to sleep. All within about 15 minutes.
As a result, I have never been a recreational drug user of any kind. I’ve never even tried mushrooms. And the hard stuff? The first time I even saw two people doing coke in a bathroom was last year at a pool hall where I was celebrating a friend’s 50th birthday. They offered and I declined: “No thanks. I’m full.”
Therein lies my dilemma. On the one hand, I want it to be worth my time and money. (I don’t want just another boring experience). On the other, I’ve never ingested anything even remotely like this substance (and taking a shot of Demerol in the ass prior to giving birth does not qualify).
The way I see it, it could go one of two ways. It’ll either dull my senses and I’ll take a nap in which case I’ll be choked. Or I will experience what I’ve always wanted - the divine (perhaps along with the not-so-divine but I’m willing to take that chance).
Or am I?
The truth is I’m not worried that this drug will put me over the edge. I’m more worried it’s going to piss me off to no end because I’m a control freak.
Because it’s FIVE HOURS LONG.
That’s all I keep thinking. IT’S FIVE FRAKKIN’ HOURS LONG.
And if you want out during that time because you’ve had enough, you can’t have it. Sucker.
That’s the part that messes with my head.
What if, after a couple hours of navigating through Dante’s Inferno and finding the answer to how many angels dance on the head of a pin (in your face St. Thomas!) I want to go home? Well guess what Dorothy? You’re not in Kansas anymore. And no amount of clicking of those red Converse shoes will stop the process.
Where’ my accountability partner? I need to go to the gym and think about this.