Some of you may be wondering why I've taken the liberty of exploring different aspects of life and going off on tangents - most recently the nature of love - when this blog is suppose to be about forging forward in an experiment to turn my life around 180 degrees and claiming 'authorship' as the nucleus of that quest.
Here's why...
Nothing we do in life can be extricated from anything else. And if you try to, you will surely suffer the consequences of neglecting the elements that make up a balanced life.
If you want to excel in one aspect of your life, you must create balance by working on the other aspects simultaneously.
While some areas of your life will take precedence, it's still only part of the whole and always will be.
If you work on one thing like your career, but ignore the others (relationships, health, mental, emotional and spiritual well-being), then at some point even the thing you have worked so hard to achieve will fall to pieces.
Who wants to be successful and sick? Rich and alone? Famous but mentally ill? A high achiever with no friends?
And for those of us who may never have experienced a real, healthy partner-type love relationship, not only must we, uh... I mean, you... be open to it, you must work on the shadowy aspects of yourself that have prevented a fruitful experience in that aspect of your life.
But you know all this. I've written about it before.
It's all about taking responsibility.
You want love? Get in there and get messy. Love is messy. Screw Biden and his motto that "Life is short. Have an affair." What he's really selling is:
"Why work on yourself or your relationship when escapism is way more fun?"
And of course his 'marital affairs' dating site is busy because people buy into it just the way they buy into movies that worship unrequited love.
If it never goes further than an 'illicit encounter' then you never have to deal with the realities associated with a real person - or the challenges.
But just ask most European, mistress-supporting men if they would leave their wives for their lustful companions and the answer will be a resounding no.
If that were to happen, then suddenly the mistress becomes the wife and will have to be replaced by yet another escape artiste.
And the cycle begins again.
The problem is - it's a cycle, not a spiral.
A spiral moves you forward - sometimes two steps forward, one step back - but it's forward just the same.
A cycle just brings you right back to where you started. And most people are stuck in cycles.
That's why they repeat the same bad relationship patterns over and over and over again.
You want to know the truth? I wrote that damn book because I was stuck in one of those cycles.
And I don't want to be in one anymore.
I'm writing this damn blog because I don't want to be stuck in a repetitive struggling career pattern because I can't make the leap of faith required to really make it work.
Nope. I don't want to be stuck ANY-MORE.
Not in love, not in my career, not anywhere in life.
It was time I moved out of the cycle and into the spiral.
And if I am convinced we are here to grow and learn about ourselves (and I am), then we can't do it in a vaccuum.
We can't do it alone. Nobody can.
We can't do it by ignoring a career we really want because it's not safe, not logical, nor fulfills the social expectations that surround us.
We can't do it by ditching, running away, or justifying, ie; not engaging fully, in yet another relationship because it bears the potential for heartache.
That's where I'm at.
And that's why I write about it.
Two months left in the experiment - so far, so good.