This is it.
It’s been one month since the start of the Six Month Experiment and it’s time to take stock of my progress. (Gulp)
Granted, it started off slowly. Cheating on good eating habits and sticking to a strict information diet (ie; limited Internet surfing and email) has not always been easy.
Though I’ve actually managed the former, the latter has honestly been like pulling healthy teeth that have no business leaving your mouth except that someone’s gotta pay for your dentist’s kids’ private school tuition.
But I sort of forgive myself. Part of it has to do with the work I’m doing (and the necessary research that goes with it) as well as emails commiserating with another writer on the ins and outs of life in the blogosphere.
We give each other kool-aid and band-aid, providing sips of information on how to make a kooler blog and then covering up blisters and blunders as we see them. We tell each other how to set up Adsense and then wonder how in the hell “Green products” ever make it on to our blog when really, we never recycle anything except our feelings.
And now, with no further ado, if you’re interesting in following the real-time adventures of Hollywood screenwriter Jim Makichuk as he tries to get his new indie movie made, go to:
As Jim puts it, “It’s all about making movies the hard way” adding quietly, “like there’s any other way.”
And after being up and running for only two days, he’s already got more followers than a diva wearing bling in Central Park at midnight. I’ve been up and running for a month and I’m getting about as much action as a coin-operated vibrating bed in a fishing lodge in the middle of winter when the lake is frozen. But then, I’m just getting started... give me time darlin’... give me time...
And I’m about to bet him that he’ll have all the funds he needs to make his film before the year is out. If I win, I’m offering myself a job working on his movie set. Everybody needs a girl Friday and I’m gonna need some new material for this blog. What better place to get the goods on stars, then make a few extra bucks selling information to Vanity Fair or The Enquirer eh Jimmy?
Just kidding. My kids have student loans. I don’t need the money that badly. Not like my dentist. No siree. I’ve got good old fashioned integrity.
Speaking of which. Back to my one month tally.
I’ve had a helluva run since my last blog entry.
Knowing the end is near (not of the world, of my book), and that I have to ‘report’ following completion of my first month, I put a hemi in my attitude and shifted into high gear on the writing.
As a result, I successfully completed two and half chapters in just four days and succeeded in alienating everyone I know because I’m not answering phones or returning calls.
Such is the life of a writer.
Okay that’s not true. It just sounds better than saying everyone has given me unconditional support and space to do my thing because they know better and I’m no fun to be with right now anyway because I get whiny after a day of trying to be funny on paper with no end in sight and it’s been FOUR.
Save yourselves people, save yourselves.
And now... (drumroll please)....
I am going to list the 7 areas of Success Principles and review my progress in each area to see where I’m at.
I’m nervous. Someone hold my hand. (Where's Miss Universe when you need her)?
1. Money: I have none. Perfect. But I’m not really going out either so I’m in a holding pattern. Which is good. I’ve got my Maslow’s hierarchy of basic needs met so that I can concentrate on writing the book and surviving until subbing kicks in. And it’s working. Beautiful. CHECK!
2. Career: I have one. At least I used to. Teaching. Sort of. At least that’s what I did last year. I’m in transition to being a full-time writer and working diligently at it. I’ve been working on this book (gathering data, research, writing, etc.) since January while also working full-time and then some.
At the start of this experiment (July 26th), I had about 60% of the book complete. One month later, I am at 80%.
My goal is to finish the book by Monday, August 31st, which is somewhat unrealistic, but I’m going to do it anyway. To hell with bad odds. Or bad breath for that matter. Or body odor. Showering is not exactly a priority right now. But I don’t care, because this part is the biggest piece and I’ve got my priorities straight.
All systems go. So far, so good.
Oh yeah, and I started this blog. Nice. Love the blog. Love you guys for reading it.
3. Relationships: What relationships? I don’t even answer my phone half the time. Kids? They don’t complain. They know better. Dating? I’m taking the 5th on that one. Not ready. No siree and none of your business. Not that there’s been any funny business. There’s no time. Besides I got that whole showering thing working against me.
4. Health and Wellness: So far, I’ve been at the gym a minimum of four days a week since this project began. I might not know how to use all those machines yet but I swear that twenty minute workout is helping.
Interval training rocks!
I am like the energizer bunny. Though I must admit to having strange bursts of conversations with perfect strangers who do things I would normally consider impossible with medicine balls and then I say things like, “Holy **it! I didn’t know the human body could DO that! Nice job there Atlas.”
As for that little meditation thing I was suppose to start? Not so much. I did however, set up a chair in a corner and look at it longingly. It’s a start.
5. Recreation and Fun: All the time. But it’s low maintenance fun. I don’t really do anything except watch the odd movie for relief, cook, and go to the gym. But I do laugh every chance I get. And that seems to be quite a bit - especially with my AP and usually at myself. And I’ve been on a few dates. I admit it.
6. Personal Goals: I still have to sign up for Spanish II this fall. And I did get that new little car - the Silver Bullet. Feel way safer in it and am confident it will make it through our gruelling winters.
And I did learn about blogs. So that part’s cool.
I don’t know where exactly I’m going to fit in surfing lessons but I’ll figure that out as I go along.
7. Contributions to Society: I smile at everyone on the street. Does that count? I can’t help it. They always look me in the eye. Sometimes I think I must walk around with spinach stuck in my teeth or something but it’s bigger than that. Maybe it’s black pepper.
Thus marks the end of the first month of the Six Month Experiment.
All in all, I’d say it went pretty darn well, wouldn’t you?
I’ll be back in a few days. I’ll let you know where I’m at with the book by Sunday, August 30th.
Until then... keep a chin up. It’s only gonna get better and easier from here on out....
I bet my blog on it...