My accountability partner did exactly what she was suppose to do yesterday in such circumstances - she let me off the hook.
Even though her main function is to be the bee in my bonnet, the sliver in my finger and the hot poker up my --- all she did was take one look at me, bleary eyed, suffused with guilt, and bloated from eating too many salty chips and fake chocolate pudding and say:
“You look like shit. Take the day off and for GOD’S SAKE WOMAN, PULL YOURSELF TOGETHER!”
Okay, that’s not exactly true.
What she really said was:
“WOW, you look great! Why don’t you take the day off anyway? You deserve it.”
But I prefer my interpretation because it helps to ease guilt.
Just goes to show you, you can do anything you want with the past because it doesn’t really exist except in your own mind. But I digress.
And so we begin again.
In spite of this setback, I did actually manage to get some work done before bed and set my writing goals for the following day. An extremely important habit to get into. And it actually works. That way when you get up in the morning, you’re ready to go without thinking about what you’re suppose to be doing. That’s another little tidbit from the book. (I think that was in Tim’s).
AND... Starting today, for exactly four days, I’m going carb-free. Wish me luck.
The first three days are going to be torture because when you eat carbs you crave them. Kinda like sex. If you don’t have it for long enough you don’t miss it but once you start up again you think to yourself ‘how did I ever live without this for SO LONG’?
But I always feel better when I limit my carb intake. My body is happier.
I should probably try becoming gluten-free but I still can’t figure out exactly what that means and it looks like WAY too much work. Gluten sounds like something that’s deposited in your butt cheeks. Isn’t that where your glutes are? And if you’re gluten-free, does that mean your butt starts to shrink? I wish.
And you’re wondering why just four days? This weekend we’re having a Mexican birthday party at my place. Mojitos, Margaritas, and enough authentic food to make a real Mexican jump the border and risk being deported just to attend.
Trust me, I’ll make up for it with the tortillas at that little gathering. And you can relax about the comment. My stepmom is Mexican. And I’ll put her up against anyone from Central America in a cook-off and win. I’ll even bet you the proceeds from my new book. You know, the one that isn’t finished yet. The one I should be working on right now.
Crap. Alright, I’ll make this short.
Low-carb is part of my new health regimen. And while I’ve been good about going to the gym (for two whole weeks now), I haven’t really cut back on carbs and portions all that well.
But one thing at a time. At this age, I realize that if I try and do too much all at once, I will feel overwhelmed and throw in the towel. If these changes I am incorporating are to be permanent, they must be done gradually.
Except for finishing the book...
So... whatever I blog next, may actually be a tidbit from the new book:
The Cyber Love Muse: A Common Sense Guide to Internet Dating.
Read it and weep (from laughter, not depression)... I hope. Okay, maybe it's more of a smirking book.
In any case, that’s all she wrote.... (for now)