1. the science that deals with the composition and properties of substances and various elementary forms of matter. (Hmmmm. Probably not)
2. chemical properties, reactions, phenomena, etc.: the chemistry of carbon.(Nope but moving in the right direction)
3. the interaction of one personality with another: The chemistry between him and his boss was all wrong. (closer - this definition could apply to romantic relationships)
4. sympathetic understanding; rapport: the astonishing chemistry between the actors. (Warmer!)
5. any or all of the elements that make up something: the chemistry of love.
Now THAT's what I'm talkin' about - the whole kit n' kabootle.
I realize I've broached this subject before in PART II of "The Love Chronicles: Love - what it is" but I really didn't do it justice.
I was still reeling from an experience similar to the one alluded to within the article, but deep down inside, there was a knowing that I had only scratched the surface of what chemistry truly is.
Chemistry: any or all of the elements that make up something. The chemistry of love.
People traditionally think of chemistry as the animal magnetism between two people who, if social decorum were not an issue, would be at each other like a couple of rabbits (or squirrels) - even in public (modesty be damned).
But it's much more than that.
As one gets older, one realizes that animal magnetism can only get you so far.
Ever been attracted to someone after a few drinks only to realize during your real first, follow-up (and sober) date a week later, you'd rather remember them as they were, wearing a halloween costume that made them look like Johnny Depp from Blow?
(Not that I'm speaking from experience or anything...)
The question simply becomes - does chemistry still exist when the dust settles? When all the other elements come into play?
Or when they say something for the first time do you look at them quizically and think to yourself:
It was the alcohol. You might be cute, but we have about as much in common as a moose and a mosquito. And though I will politely engage in conversation because you are after all, a human being, I would kill myself if I went out with you.
Call me fussy, but I want chemistry of mind and soul, followed by chemistry of attraction - as the latter is either enhanced or diminished by the first two.
Throw in common goals and interests and I'll be as turned on as Cleopatra was to Antony, as macaroni is to cheese and as peanut butter is to jam.
For me, finding a partner does not require that initial animal magnetism to create interest (though that may indeed happen) but rather, it requires "ALL the elements that make up chemistry".
If I meet a handsome man who lacks intelligence, suddenly he's not so hot.
If I meet a man who is accomplished, yet arrogant and mean, the thought of 'being with him grosses me out.
If I meet a man some would consider average, yet he is a spectacular human being, suddenly his ordinariness becomes an extraordinary aphrodisiac.
Then something that might have lacked the fairy-tale version of love-at-first-sight-chemistry, is transformed by inner qualities that manifest as charisma.
Not only does this hold greater appeal than any made-in-magazine chemistry could muster, but also carries within it the potential of longevity that can be sustained and enhanced for years to come.
Now THAT'S true love.
Hook me up with the real deal...
The rest just makes me squirrley.