Getting your funny back is kinda like getting your body back after you've had one too many Big Macs during those four years you hit fast food joints while going through college 'cause you were too busy to bother with real food.
We all do it. And it's a forgiveable offense.
But at some point you have to break the habit. And for that, sometimes you need a personal trainer.
That also goes for getting your funny back.
Losing your funny is when you've been out of the loop for a while because you've been busy indulging in a new relationship that is about as good for you as 3 supersize meals a day.
It doesn't feel that bad at first, but by the end, a heart doctor comes along and tells you if you don't get out of the cycle, you're going to die. Not good.
(And if you've seen Supersize Me, you know what I'm talking about).
In this case, before you know it, 28 odds pounds of emotional baggage sneaks up on you, weighing you down with more self-doubt than a hooker who joins a nunnery.
Think of a personal trainer - most health books recommend one if you're serious about getting fit and are tired of giving yourself a way out of those 'extra hard' workouts. You know, the ones that actually propel you to a new level.
PT's won't let you get away with stuff that you let yourself get away with all the time. It's not that you don't know better.
You do. I do. We all do.
But nobody wants to feel the pain that goes with producing micro-tears that builds up more of what you need. So we don't do it. But we'll do it for the expert that bosses us around in the gym.
Go figure.
I find it interesting that most of us won't let ourselves feel pain in the gym but we have no trouble being in relationships that cause insidious micro-tears in our soul.
But never mind that.
The bottom line is, everyone needs support systems. I don't care how independent you claim to be or think you are.
No one can live without some type of emotional support network. At least not well.
And getting back to what makes you YOU after a relationship has hit the dirt, requires a good, unconditional support network.
All you have to do, is pick up the phone. Or text. Or facebook. Or tweet.
That's right. It's as easy as calling on the peeps you haven't seen in God-knows-how-long because you've been too busy confusing jabs with teasing, criticisms with friendly advice and control for love.
For some people that's harder than getting tickets for the Superbowl.
All that matters is once you recognize the obvious and give yourself a few V8 slaps in the head, you get back to your old self.
next - what a strong support system looks like