Ever heard any Jack Handy quotes?
"I hope some animal never bores a hole in my head and lays its eggs in my brain, because later you might think you're having a good idea but it's just eggs hatching.”
Yep. That's what I'm talkin' about. Me n' Jack are on the same page.
Like maybe all these crazy ideas I've ever had in my life are because some weird creature from the insect kingdom decided to play hide the salami in my ear with its consort one starry night (when I had too many glasses of Merlot and couldn't feel anything) and its night of passion resulted in one egg too many making its way into my brain and leaning heavily on a nearby synapse, producing random firings in the wrong directions.
And chi-ching! Walla. I think I'll write a screenplay. Don't have a clue how, nor do I know what to do with it after, but I'll figure it out as I go a long!
Chi-ching! I think I'll write the LSAT and go to law school. Don't know how I'm going to work out living expenses but I'll figure it out as I go along!
Chi-ching! I think I'll move to another country for a guy who I know deep down inside can't commit to a dentist appointment, never mind a relationship. (whoa - that might be two synapses misfiring). Nevermind. I'll figure it out as I go along.
I've had so many misfirings I should be charged with possession of a faulty firearm.
And there are so many such examples in my life, it became a running joke in my dating profile:
Warning: I can't make a small decision to save my life (like what to order for dinner) but I make life-changing ones with great abandon. Marry me.
So perhaps what I think is a genius idea (and God help you if you try to talk me out of it) is just another synapse misfiring. The effect? I lack a little thing called long-term planning.
And that's why this book is going to work and the Six Month Experiment will be a success. I'm all out of synapses.
(Wait, that doesn't sound right).
Oh yeah, this time I have a plan. A long term, give-up-when-I-drop plan with a proven track record of success.
In spite of what felt like a slow month, the last three months were surprisingly productive once I really had a chance to review things.
Just goes to show you how important it is to track your progress and take note of all your mini-successes. If you don't, you risk giving up because you feel you can't see your progress when really, it's going down behind the scenes.
So at the risk of sounding like I'm tooting my own horn, (when normally no one would see this but me, but this bloody blog is like making one of those finger-cutting blood contracts with the universe), here goes...
In the last 3 months... in the categories of finances, career, recreation, health and fitness, personal relationships, personal development and contribution to society (and in no particular order):
I'm subbing again full-time and my finances are improving - I'm taking care of bills. (Nowhere near where I want to be, but it's all good). I'm secure and pleased that I did not take a term teaching contract as this would have taken up too much of my time and energy and left nothing to focus on the bigger picture.
I bought a better car by doing business with someone I knew and trusted and with whom I could make affordable financial arrangements.
When I started this experiment, about 60% of the book was written. I finished the rest by working on it non-stop between July 26 and September 7. And I mean every single day sometimes for twelve hours.
I spent the following week perfecting my query letter and working on a good proposal. Within 10 days I had sent out 34 inquiries to various agencies requesting representation. Within two weeks I had an offer of representation.
I now have a literary agent.
I began to outline chapters of the next book and figured out a series. I am now tossing around ideas for a Romantic Comedy screenplay.
I bought two domain names with the intent of setting up a website. Met with a guy who had some ideas. That's still in the works, which reminds me - Roy, call me.
The blog and book got a plug on a radio show which is great for promotional purposes and support. Thank-you Indiana!
I now have a fan-based web page on facebook. Feel free to sign up. Thanks Ryan. :P)
Hmmm. Well... I haven't taken those surfing lessons yet or made it to Bali, but I have had some seriously intense laughing fits with my AP and played Kanasta with the family while drinking martinis.
Does that count? You're damn right it does, but I'm still going to expand on my 'funness'.
Health and Fitness:
I wanted to go to the gym three times a week. I am going 4-6 and have added strength training to my routine. (I still don't know what I'm doing but I'm trying!). I'm eating better (and that's improving still) but most of all, I feel great.
Personal Relationships:
Relations with the family members are always good (except my mom as she's having one of her hate spells but I have little control over that and we are after all, coming into Halloween so she's off the hook - no pun intended).
I've dated. One day very soon I'll have a blog entry on that without actually saying anything. Just observations. Let's just say I'm still single.
Let's just say I'm listening to my intuition more (and that's HUGE for me).
Anyway, I feel married to the blog for now (and this mission).
I've made some new connections that are conducive to my intent to mix it up with like-minded individuals on a path I like to call "no resistance manifestation". I love it. The more the merrier. There is no such thing as too much good energy. Hi V.
Personal Development:
I've consistently read books and articles that strive to maintain a positive frame of mind - most specifically, Jack's book on which I took notes and the Four-hour Work Week. I've begun to meditate (though it's sporadic) using auditory aids and sometimes mantras. I pulled out my Learning Spanish book and will complete it before the end of the experiment.
And this weekend - the Dream BOARD. Cant' wait. I'll tell you all about it later.
Contribution to Society:
My biggest contribution would be to make it so I can inspire people to do the same. As far as I'm concerned there is an endless supply of abundance for anyone willing to make a plan and give it their all.
So this category is still in the making...
But I'm doing my best to walk my talk. Hang in there with me.