I woke up Saturday with the sore throat I had been fighting all week and said to myself: As if! Not today of all days!
...and decided right then and there that nothing, and I mean nothing was about to distract me from the task at hand.
So I prepared.
I knew I had some time before I had to pick up my AP and thought I should get into character from the get-go.
So after winding myself up to a degree of enthusiasm exceeded only by the jackpot winnner of the nickel slots in Vegas, I managed to choke down two cups of a Tibetan tea recipe that challenged my gag reflex but knocked my startled virus into different time zone.
Happy with my progress thus far, I set about thinking:
Today is all about me. So what would make me happy?
Well, the sun for one thing.
It had been unusually cloudy of late and frankly that was starting to piss me off. Not that I suffer from S.A.D. or anything but a sunny day is like medicine for the soul. So I decided I was going to get me some.
I hit a tannning salon for 8 minutes of glorious manmade UVA rays and imagined I was in Hawaii catching a few while waiting for my surfing lesson to start.
Then I washed my car. After all, if I'm about to trade it in for a BMW, I would make sure it was clean!
Then I went to the store and picked up a box of organic green mix (not something I normally do as it's pricier) and then adamantly refused to buy the option 2 box of chicken I wanted as this was after all, suppose to be a day when one does not settle for second best. So I didn't.
Yep, I am proud to say I silenced the bargain shopper in me faster than the mob silences the idiot who leaves a witness protection program of their own volition.
Then I went to the gym. Great workout. Not too much, just enough to feel good, not sore or strained.
Came home, showered, napped briefly, changed, grabbed my camera and left.
So far, it was the perfect day.
First stop - Audi