The thing is, it really doesn't matter what you do.
All that matters is that you set aside a little space, make your intentions clear, go to it and have the courage to be honest about what you want - with no regard to whether other people will think the dreams you have are silly, unrealistic or better left in fairytale ville.
And remember, it's suppose to be fun.
So screw those naysayers and that overrated, annoying internal dialogue of munchkins telling you it's time to be 'realistic' at the ripe old age of n (that's algebra for all you non-math types).
(By the way, that's how old I am, in case you were wondering).
Anyway, when I sat down to write my letter to Damabiah (that's the angel assigned to me according to the kabbalah and based on my date of birth) and I started to make fun OF MYSELF for this exercise, I said aloud...
"Shut your traps, you subconscious warfaring bubble-bursting miscreants"!
... and felt much better.
Further more, don't feel despair over goals not achieved, (as I did) and permit yourself to be forthright with your angels, your guides, or whoever else you call upon to assist you in the coming year.
And expected the miraculous.
This year, I set 20 minutes aside from my party (and Xmas) and went to my apartment for a little 'me' time.
For those of you unawares, I live in the same building as my Dad and stepmom. While this often leads to exclamations of 'ewwwwwwwww' from some, the truth of the matter is, it rocks (for the most part - I have yet to bring a date home but I do go upstairs and help myself to their cheese their vacuum all the time).
Anyway, while everyone was still playing cards, Wii and enjoying a variety of libations in my honor (the best excuse EVER), I snuck back to my apartment to light a candle and write a letter.
Here's what it said:
Dear Damabiah,
Pleased to make your acquaintance after all these years.
I wish I had known of your existence way back when but it never occured to me to check the rules and regs of the Kabbalah (considering I was a Catholic n' all). Go figure.
Truth be told, you could have made your presence known to me in a blazing flash of light at the foot of my bed when I was GOING THROUGH HELL - that would have been kinda cool - but whatev, water under the bridge.
Anyway, it's all good.
As you probably know, today is my birthday. (I dare say you do know considering you were assigned to me and I didn't know about it and you did this whole time, but I digress)...
I also heard that you angels don't have a sense of humor, so I'll get right down to business.
First of all, thanks for being there.
I know I know, considering my caddy remarks above you're thinking, "riiiiiiiight" but seriously, I'm lucky to be alive on so many counts, the only thing I can attribute this good fortune to is you and your legion of winged buddies.
(I owe ya one).
Anyway, as I said before it's my birthday. Here's my wishlist:
yadda yadda yadda
blah blah blah
yadda yadda yadda
blah blah blah
And just so you know, this list comes with a disclaimer...
If I get all the things that I wish for and start acting like an asshole, you can take them away.
Except maybe for that BMW - I'd like to keep that as a freebie. I think that's reasonable. You know, for all those years I didn't know of your existence.
I any case, I promise to be the best person I can and in the end, I only truly desire those things that are beneficial to my evolution as a human being.
(And I mean that).
Love from the bottom of my heart n' soul,
p.s. Are you a guy in white tights and abs to die for?
Then I blew out my candle and went back to my party.
Next: Bringing in the New Year in style!
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