I’m done. Finished. Finito. A wrap, all in, all over, brought about, brought to pass, buttoned up, compassed, complete, completed, concluded, consummated, depleted, down, drained, effected, effete, ended, executed, exhausted, fixed, fulfilled, over, perfected, performed, realized, rendered, set, spent, succeeded, terminated, through, used up, wired, wrought.
Well, except for the index.
And you want to hear a confession? I’m so damn confident that I will be done the book by the date set above, that I’m actually writing this blog at 7 am on Friday morning, September 4th.
I figured if I was really done the book by the end of labor day weekend, I’d be spending the 8th nursing a hangover so I thought I should be prepared. How that for visualization Jack Canfield? How do you like them apples eh?
Unfortunately, if I’m wrong, I’m going to sound like an idiot because I promised myself I also wouldn’t erase the above NO MATTER WHAT and I might have a date this weekend so that could be a problem.
Ah, distractions. The pomegranate of life.
But this next part is going to be the fun. This is where I get to use Timothy Ferris’ book to its greatest effect.
Intro: MMII - MymaninIndian.com
One of Tim’s recommendations to gaining more freedom, is to well, free up your time. And what better way to do that, than to get a Virtual Assistant to do your dirty work for you?
That means outsourcing work that pretty much anyone can do but would require oodles of your non-creative time. Apart from being extremely convenient, it’s a huge lesson in letting go of the reins. In primitive days, this would be called, ‘delegating responsibilities.’
I’m a Capricorn. I can do that. In spades.
Put it this way. I couldn’t outsource this blog, or have someone else write my book (nor would I want to) because it reflects my personal style which cannot be duplicated (ahem), but I could very easily, outsource my index which requires tedious Internet research.
And whenever I start doing it myself, I get distracted and find myself on a site like, ‘shaving your poodle to make him look like another animal’ where dogs are made to look like buffalos and camels and prima ballerinas. (I kid you not). This is the Internet. And I am easily distracted by information that makes you say "seriously"?
And I might even have this outfit research publishers. (Maybe. I might want control over that one).
In any case, now my time is freed up once again to do the more creative stuff (I started the accompanying workbooks a week ago). And I am seriously thinking about outsourcing my website design but with 800 bucks left in the bank I might be pushing it.
Besides, figuring out how to set up a website might be a great learning experience so I’m going to have a go at that one myself.
There is only one thing. Prior to outsourcing, my criteria must be extremely clear or I’ll be doling out moolah that I don’t have only to find out I could have done the job myself better in half the time. But that’s just a chance I’m going to have to take.
Part of this exercise is learning how to let go of the reins, know exactly what I want (be specific) and then trust that someone else can do the job better or as well as me (control freak that I am). But without going into any debt.
I can handle living on a shoestring budget. (Been there done that) but the idea is to get out of the hole without digging deeper.
So here goes nothing. I’m going out to buy one of those five dollar phone cards at seven/eleven that gets me 42 hours and 12 minutes of talk time to India. And I’m gonna make some calls.
Wish me luck.
Oh, and just one more thing... my AP rocks. She kicks my ass when I need it most, and gives me leverage to slack when the chips are really down. But never enough to let me feel sorry for myself. Only enough to recover from whatever stupidity I just got myself into (again).
I recommend everybody find one...
Thanks B. I love you.
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